As school was drawing to a close this year and life was proving more complicated we reintroduced Mariah to journal writing. We have encouraged the kids to write in journals on and off during their lives, mostly to have a record of their experiences at different ages. Now we encourage them to write as a means of sorting out their feelings and some of life's tougher issues.
Mariah has some great entries from previous journals. There was an entry in one of her young journals about how tortured she was to eat hot dogs without mustard -- something she had never had to do. She was mad. It took forever to find the mustard and when it was found, in the freezer, it was rock solid.
Poor Mary, then about four years old, took the blame. Mary had terrible speech issues and no one could understand her very well at all. We thought she was admitting and apologizing when apparently she was trying to defend herself.
Rachel wrote all about it in her journal. She wrote all about letting Mary take the fall for it. Rachel had accidentally put the mustard in the freezer but chose not to admit it. ADHD moment, no doubt.
Mariah has really loved journal writing this time around she carries it constantly and writes whenever she gets a chance. Most entries are much more serious than this one. This one she shared with us and said I could share with you as an example of her mind bouncing from one thought to another.

Ahhhhh…un-medicated and they wonder how I know when they haven't taken their meds.
1 comment:
Yeah that sounds like a everyday conversation with Ethan.Somebody told me at church yesterday that Ethan reminded them of the talking dog from "UP" or a hyper dalmation. I laughed and then walked away wondering if that was suspose to be a compliment, or if I needed to go back and punch this person in the face for calling my son a dog.As I was considering wheater or not to be offended by this persons comments. Ethan came running up to my van and dove into the front seat and leaned out the window and said in a loud voice "Drive Mom! Drive, I just saw a squirrle run across the parking lot.I am not fast enough on foot! So if we hurry,we can run it over with your van!" All of a sudden the picture of the talking dog from "UP" popped into my head.I guess that person's comment was a compliment.
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