It's not a planned move. We got notice the other day that the house we have been renting for over 3 years has been foreclosed on. It's one of the reasons that I've been absent for a little while. I had to process the thought, we had to make some decisions, we are still making decisions.
In the meantime, I have had this image floating through my mind that I just can't seem to shake.
The image of the Turkey Vulture. See, the Turkey Vulture has a very unique way of flying. They ride the thermals in the air so instead of flying neatly and orderly like geese when they migrate they fly in circles. Circles and circles and circles all they way to their destination. It looks like a chaotic mess from the ground. A little intimidating, even scary. It leaves you wondering what died nearby.
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We are excited about the possibilities and overwhelmed by the unknown. Desperately trying to make the transition, mentally. We all know how hard that is for people with ADD/ADHD and we have a whole house of it.
The more I learned about Turkey Vultures the more comparisons I saw. For example, they rarely flap their wings. Flapping their wings is awkward and expends an extreme amount of energy so they flap them as little as possible. Usually only to get started in flight. Well, that is certainly true about ADD/ADHD. Getting started is so difficult and often awkward.
Getting anyone in our house started, especially on packing, expends a tremendous amount of energy.

You seeing it, I'm seeing it.
And not just in regards to packing. Though it certainly applies to packing. It took most of the day to get everyone going and then they started packing and rode that air thermal as long and as far as they could. They wanted to pack just about everything in sight. We must have packed 15 or 20 boxes. Then they hit the descent, caught another air thermal, and one by one they were gone.
It may appear as if we are making no progress as we circle in the air. We are certainly not as fast, organized, or effective as geese; but, rest assured we will get there.
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